About Us
Established in 2007, Direct One is the pioneer neutral telecom infrastructure operator in Romania, providing bandwidth infrastructure services.
The Company owns and operates:
- more than 4,500 km of network, mostly installed in OPGW technology
- 52 points of presence in 49 cities (30 county capitals)
The Network

OPGW Network
OPGW Fiber optic infrastructure
OPGW (Optical Ground Wire) is a type of cable that is used in the construction of electric power transmission and distribution lines. Such cable combines the functions of grounding and communictations. An OPGW cable contains a tubular structure with one or more optical fibres in it, surrounded by layers of steel and aluminium wire.
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Our Team
Our team of 4 top managers has a combined telecom experience of more than 80 years.
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S.C. Direct One S.A.
Cod fiscal RO22913844
Înregistrată la Registrul Comerțului
sub nr. J40/14066/2008
Bd. Poligrafiei nr.1A
cladirea AnaTower, etaj 19, Sector 1, București
Postal code: 013704
Telephone: +4 031 1065270

- services
- our team
policy on gifts and hospitality
policy regarding the Code of Business Conduct
policy regarding the Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics
policy regarding the Declaration regarding conflicts of interest
the policy regarding the prevention and combating of money laundering and the financing of terrorism
policy regarding environmental protection, safety and social responsibility